Tuesday 21 January 2014

My Reflection (Week 9)

Hi and Assalamualaikum. .

It's already week 9. So, I will make a reflection for week 9. Nothing much happen actually. This week I am struggling to study all the chapters for Academic Writing quiz and also Business English quiz.  It is very tiring! Totally exhausted! Due to those test, I have to stay up late till midnight to make a revision. It is like pressure to me. Two quiz in same week. It's like torture my mind. >_<.  I don't want get a low marks in my carry mark for those subjects. I want get a high mark! Yes, high mark! So, to get all that I have to make a little bit sacrifices. Yeah! Sacrifice for something precious.

This week also, I have to complete all the assignment that had given to me even though I can't complete all of it on time. Can say that it has burdening my mind at that moment. It's like torturing my mind slowly. I can't think much at that time. So, I decide to go out for a while to get fresh air, and forget all the problems, assignments, and so on at that time. I could say that this week was the hardest week so far. I tend to get stress easily due to those things. But, it was quite relief for me as I could overcome all that. For me, everything has the solutions, and it's depend to us how to dealt with it cleverly. Last but not least, I hope those things will not burdening my mind anymore. So, that's all about my reflection for week 9. Thanks for reading. :')

Tuesday 14 January 2014

My Reflection (WEEK 8)

Hi again!

      Well, well, well. Now, it's already week 8. So, I will share to all of you about what are the things I have done this week. Shall we? Hmmmph, nothing special  actually. But, I hope you'll read, hear and like it. In the previous post I had talked about the Selfbanner. Which is part of the assignment for Writing for Multimedia and The Web subject. But now,I will share my reflection for this week which are about my Selfbanner preparation, and also the presentation.  
      First of all, I had prepared my Selfbanner, I have include all the sections in my Selfbanner. Which are about myself. For a homepage, I put my photos as a Home section. Then, I put About Me section. In this section I have give a little bit information about my biography, my friends, and also my family. Next, would be Skill section. In this section, I have include my skill in cooking. I have put various foods in this section. Last but not least, I have include Gallery section. In the Gallery, I have put my own album, family album. and also my friends album. Lastly, I have include Contact Me section. In this section, I have put my facebook, twitter, blog, and so on so that they  can contact me easily. So, If they have any questions to ask me they can follow me through social networking. Is it clear? Hehe :')

    Alright. Moving on.   At the beginning of the class, I feel very enthusiastic to do the presentation. Unfortunately, I am not the first presenter. So, whatever it is. I don't feel frustrated at all. It might due to my nervousness at that moment. Haha. Next, as I finish my presentation in front of the class,  I feel relief. So relief. I feel happy doing the presentation because all my friends give full cooperation to me.

Okay, let's stop from here. See you in the next post. Thanks for reading.  Bye!

Thursday 9 January 2014

My Reflection (Week 7)

Assalamualaikum, and Hi guys! ^_^"

Well, as you can see the title above, it's already week 7. I repeat WEEK 7! Oh no! How time files! So fast isn't it? This is unbelievable! I can't believe it myself. Whatever it is, I have to  believe it. This is life, we have to accept the fact in our life though we do not like it at all. So, this is week seven's reflection, I will write about my reflection in this week. Let see what happened in this week shall we?

During Writing for Multimedia and The Web class with Madam Nadiah. I feel down  to show my Selfbanner to the whole class, because my selfbanner quite simple compared to my classmates. I have no idea what else to include  in my Selfbanner. I can't think critically. Just then, my lecturer gives her opinion regarding the Selfbanner. After listening her opinion, I become more interested to add something new in my Selfbanner.

Guess what have I include in the selfbanner? Hehe. For your information, I have include my skill in cooking in the Selfbanner. As you know I'm from Kelantan. So, in cooking skill, I include  Nasi Lemak, Nasi Kerabu, Nasi Dagang, Pengat Pisang, Butir Nangka and so on in the Selfbanner. Those are my favorite food. I just cook what I like, and  I am not a picky in choosing food.

Moving on. In the Selfbanner also, I have put something interesting. Which is about my biography, my friends, and interesting place photos. Yet, I have make changes the color, font, background of the Selfbanner. Because I want  make it looks interesting, readable and attractive for readers to read it.

So, I think that's all for week seven's reflection. Hope you enjoy reading it. I will post another section later. Thanks!

Miss Kamila (Blogger) 

Sunday 5 January 2014

Academic Links

Hi again!

In the previous section I had posted about my week six  reflection. So, in this section I'm going to list some academic  links from several websites that you can learn from it. So, check it out!

ESL: English Study and Learning Materials! 
( Here is the link http://www.eslgold.com/ )

This website is suitable for all ages. It has variety of skills for instance, SPEAKING, LISTENING, READING, WRITING, GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY, BUSINESS, PRONUNCIATION, TOEFL/TOEIC, and IDIOM skill. This site is particularly important to enhance your skills in English. This website also provides lots of exercises in every section or skill. In brief, you can easily learn English from this website because it's already provides lots of sections to all of you to learn. To know more, do click the link above and check it out.

LearningEnglish Teens 
( Here is the link http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/)

This is another website that I found. This site mostly focus on GRAMMAR, and VOCABULARY. Not only GRAMMAR, and VOCABULARY skills but also provides some videos for instance, Grammar videos, Phrasal verb videos, and so on. Last but not least, it also provides an exercise such as Vocabulary exercises. To know more, do click the link above and check it out.

( Here is the link http://englishclip.com/ftp.englishclip.com)

Another website in learning English. It's fun way to improve your English. It provides lots of skills. To know more, do click the link above and check it out.

English Grammar Online
( Here is the link http://www.ego4u.com/ )

This website provides lots of sections in learning English. For example, Grammar, Writing, Test, Study Tips, Daily English, and pronunciation section. Not only that you also can play games from this website. I hope you'll enjoy it. To know more, do click the link above and check it out.

That's all from now. If I found another academic links I will put more. Bye!

My Reflection (Week 6)

Assalamualaikum, and good evening everyone! :')

As you can see the title above about my week six reflection. It's already week 6 , . WEEK 6! Oh no! My mid semester break is over. :'( , I'm still in holiday mood. So, how can I back to college then? Hmm, As a student I have to sacrifice. Yeah! Sacrifice for knowledge! ^0^"

So what's next? Alright, let me tell you things I did today. As you know I don't have any classes today because most of the classes were cancelled. See! How lucky we are. All of the classes have cancelled by all our lecturers. So, that's mean I have no class. No class at all! Awesome day, right? Haha. . Just kidding. Honestly,  I feel frustrated when classes were cancelled since I am a thirst for knowledge. To me the knowledge is the most significantly in my life because without the knowledge I am like blind person. Who are not knowing anything about certain things or uneducated.  That's mean I can't read, write,count and so on. Oh no! I don't want to be like a blind person. I want to be an educated! EDUCATED! Simple word but it has deep meaning.  :')

Moving on. Since I have no classes today, I decide to go to the library because I feel quite bored at that moment. Only me in the house because all my friends still not returned from their hometown yet. Next, after I borrowed some books from library I go to the restaurant because I feel very hungry. I eat, and eat as I can. Haha. However, after lunch I back to my home with taxi. I take a bath  and prepare myself. Last but not least, I watched some movies, and complete a few of assignments. 

That's all for today. Thank you. Bye!