Tuesday 14 January 2014

My Reflection (WEEK 8)

Hi again!

      Well, well, well. Now, it's already week 8. So, I will share to all of you about what are the things I have done this week. Shall we? Hmmmph, nothing special  actually. But, I hope you'll read, hear and like it. In the previous post I had talked about the Selfbanner. Which is part of the assignment for Writing for Multimedia and The Web subject. But now,I will share my reflection for this week which are about my Selfbanner preparation, and also the presentation.  
      First of all, I had prepared my Selfbanner, I have include all the sections in my Selfbanner. Which are about myself. For a homepage, I put my photos as a Home section. Then, I put About Me section. In this section I have give a little bit information about my biography, my friends, and also my family. Next, would be Skill section. In this section, I have include my skill in cooking. I have put various foods in this section. Last but not least, I have include Gallery section. In the Gallery, I have put my own album, family album. and also my friends album. Lastly, I have include Contact Me section. In this section, I have put my facebook, twitter, blog, and so on so that they  can contact me easily. So, If they have any questions to ask me they can follow me through social networking. Is it clear? Hehe :')

    Alright. Moving on.   At the beginning of the class, I feel very enthusiastic to do the presentation. Unfortunately, I am not the first presenter. So, whatever it is. I don't feel frustrated at all. It might due to my nervousness at that moment. Haha. Next, as I finish my presentation in front of the class,  I feel relief. So relief. I feel happy doing the presentation because all my friends give full cooperation to me.

Okay, let's stop from here. See you in the next post. Thanks for reading.  Bye!

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