Thursday 9 January 2014

My Reflection (Week 7)

Assalamualaikum, and Hi guys! ^_^"

Well, as you can see the title above, it's already week 7. I repeat WEEK 7! Oh no! How time files! So fast isn't it? This is unbelievable! I can't believe it myself. Whatever it is, I have to  believe it. This is life, we have to accept the fact in our life though we do not like it at all. So, this is week seven's reflection, I will write about my reflection in this week. Let see what happened in this week shall we?

During Writing for Multimedia and The Web class with Madam Nadiah. I feel down  to show my Selfbanner to the whole class, because my selfbanner quite simple compared to my classmates. I have no idea what else to include  in my Selfbanner. I can't think critically. Just then, my lecturer gives her opinion regarding the Selfbanner. After listening her opinion, I become more interested to add something new in my Selfbanner.

Guess what have I include in the selfbanner? Hehe. For your information, I have include my skill in cooking in the Selfbanner. As you know I'm from Kelantan. So, in cooking skill, I include  Nasi Lemak, Nasi Kerabu, Nasi Dagang, Pengat Pisang, Butir Nangka and so on in the Selfbanner. Those are my favorite food. I just cook what I like, and  I am not a picky in choosing food.

Moving on. In the Selfbanner also, I have put something interesting. Which is about my biography, my friends, and interesting place photos. Yet, I have make changes the color, font, background of the Selfbanner. Because I want  make it looks interesting, readable and attractive for readers to read it.

So, I think that's all for week seven's reflection. Hope you enjoy reading it. I will post another section later. Thanks!

Miss Kamila (Blogger) 

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