Sunday 29 December 2013

My Reflection (Week 5)

Hi everyone!

      It's already week 5. So, I will write a reflection for week 5. Let's start! During writing for Multimedia and the Web class, I feel so nervous because I have to present my work in the class. I can't think and my hands was trembling as I heard my name was mentioned. Whatever it is. I have to finish it. Finish my work!  That's what I think at that moment. I take deep breath at first. Then, I make the presentation. How relief I am when I finish it.

      Next, through the prezi presentation I realized that due to lack of confidence make me nervous. So, I will try my best to avoid it in another presentation. Also, I have learn something new in this class. It's about Self banner. Self banner is part of the assignment that must be done.  I was wonder how it's looks like at first but when my lecturer showed me the example of self banner my understanding about Self banner become much better. We are compulsory to create the self banner. Which are we have to promote ourselves, and sharing our interests. That's what it is.

My friends

Assalamualaikum and hi guys! ^_^"

      Friend? Yeah, the title says it all.  Now, I will share to all of you about my friends. I am sure everyone have lots of friends, right? but are they really a true friend? That's the problem. We do not know how sincere they are becoming our friends. Hmm, Just forget what I said. Let's start about my friends. Since I was a kid I have many friends but none of them are truly my friends. Some of them became my friends just want to take advantage on me. That's make me become more careful in choosing friends. Then, as I was in secondary school I met new friends but just two of them are truly friends. Why I said like that? It's because they always beside me when I was sad, happy, or in hardship. They are Auni nasuha and Ilma Hani.

     Let me introduce to all of you these young lady who I met in secondary school. These two are my good friends. These young lady are same age as me. We're still keep in touch till now. Let's start with Auni nasuha first, this girl quite chubby but also cute and adorable. Her chubby face matches her personality which makes me loves her so much. She never fails to entertain me with her sense of humor.She is studying at UITM in Kelantan, but we're still keep in touch through the cell phone.  She always cheers me up when I was sad or in bad mood. Yet, she's good in making jokes. She always supports me and gives an advice to me. That's her! She loves to give a lecture whenever she can. I used call her "Ustazah" because her lectures make me want call her like that.

     The next friend would be Ilma Hani. She is generous person and also kind. Why I said she is generous? It's because she often treats foods to me.  How lucky I am. Hehe.  Yet, her face like kareena kapoor. Just imagine how beautiful she is. Also, she always beside me when I'm in trouble. That's make me comfortable when I hang out with her. She is my best listener to my stories. She also never fails to entertain me whenever she can.

    That's all could I share to all of you about my friends. Bubye!  :')

Friday 13 December 2013

My Reflection (Week 4)

Hi again!

          I would like to share to all of you about my reflection during the class. So, listen up. During class Writing for Multimedia and the Web, I feel very enthusiastic because each of my classmates including me have to present our prezi to the whole class. I feel so nervous at first but I can overcome my nervousness by taking deep breath. During the presentations by my classmates. I have learn a lot from them about  the essays. They have enhance my understanding about the essay, features of the essays including how to write thesis statements, topic sentences, supporting details and conclusion.

          Next, their presentations absolutely have enrich my understanding about these kind of essays. Most of them present about narrative essays, descriptive essays, cause and effect essays and also argumentative essays. In addition, their presentations have motivated me to be more confident to make presentation in front of the class. Without shy, afraid, and so on. In brief, I have learn something  useful in this class, and I hope I will be able to improve myself to become a good presenter.  

My Family

Assalamualaikum and Hi guys! :')

Everyone have their own family and I am sure all of you are happy have a family, right? Hehe. ^_^ Now, I would like to share to all of you about my family. Where should I start first about my family? Alright, as you know I have a big family. I have parents, and 8 siblings. Quite a lot, isn’t it? I am grateful to have many family members and I love them very much. They always support me from behind and give a lot of affections to me. They’re so special to me. I will do anything to make them happy. They mean everything to me. :’)
Now, let’s start with my parent first. They are most importantly in my life. Without them I am nothing. Firstly, I will introduce my father to all of you. My father’s name is Masri bin Jaafar. He quite loves person even though he is a little bit strict.  He’s 52 years old. He works at TNB Sdn. Bhd. He is hardworking and committed with his work. And that make me respect a lot to him. Yet, He likes do something challenging and never give up in life. That makes me proud of him. The second is about my mother. My mother’s name is Nik Hasnah Bt Yussof. She is 50 years old. She works as housewife. She loves, caring, quite patience, and the most significantly is she is my lovely mother. Hee~

That's all I could share to all of you. Bubye! <Thanks for reading>

Friday 6 December 2013

My Reflection (Week 3)

At the beginning of the lecture for class Writing for Multimedia and the Web, I was felt knowing nothing when my lecturer talking about the blog. I do not know the reason why she told us about the blog. I was clueless what we are supposed to do. Just then, my lecturer explained the reason why she told us about the blog. It’s because the blog is a part of the assignment. We are compulsory to have a blog account to do that assignment. However, I was wondering on how to create a blog because before this I don’t have any accounts for blog, I only have accounts for facebook, and twitter.  At the first, I can’t see anything benefits of doing that but when I had explored more about the blog, I realized that having a blog has a lot of benefits. For instance, we can share the information through the blog or share our experience in it.

             In addition, we can express our feelings through the blog but make sure when you post your texts don’t talk about negative things such as insult other people because it might caused a fight between you and those people. Next, has a blog given me a lot of opportunities to share my opinion, information, and then express my feelings in it.  It makes my life be more fun and meaningful because when I bored I can sign up the blog and then express anything I want. In brief, I love this subject which is has increase my knowledge about the social network such as the blog that I learnt in class.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

About Myself

Assalamualaikum and hello guys, . ^_^"

         Today I have a class from 4 pm - 7 pm, it's quite interesting because in class the lecturer teach us  how to create a blog. Honestly, I don't have any accounts for blog and I don't even know how to create it. Weird? That's me! Weirdo! Hehe. . Now, let me introduce myself to all of you. Hmmm, Firstly, let me tell you about myself. Let me start with my name first, may I? Hehe. My full name is Siti Nor Kamilah bt Masri, but you all can call me Kamila, siti, Nor and so on. But I prefer kamila than other nicknames because it's sounds good to me. I was born in Kelantan. That means I'm a kelantanese girl. I am proud to be a kelantanese.  Why? because I support kelantan football team. I love watching the football match wherever it's takes place whether in kelantan, shah alam, and so on. When I watched the football match I will shout loudly to support the football team possibly to give them strength.

         Next, lets move on with my age. I am 19 years old. Still young, right? Hehe, and I'm still single. Not married yet, and still don't have any special man in my life. why? because I'm not interested in making relationship. Sometimes I get bored when my friends talked about their relationships with the men, bla bla bla. But whatever it is  I just want to focus on my studies. That's what I want the most in my life. Then further my studies in higher levels. As you know many people said I look younger than my age may be the way I look or the way I behave, and I love it. I wish I will stay young forever. Haha. Just joking! -_-". It doesn't matter how old I am because I like who I am now and later.  

       Okay, what's next? What am I doing now? Like what I said from the start I'm still studying. I studied at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) in Tanjung Malim, Perak.

I'm the diploma student at UPSI. What course am I taken? Hmm, I'm in second year now  and I'm taking Diploma in English course. I take that course because I love the language, not only the English Language but also other languages, for instance, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and so on. I like all of those languages but I can't learn all of those languages because it takes time to learn all of those languages. In short, I just learn it by watching the movies, and try my hardest to understand what did they said in the movies even though I don't understand at all. Haha. To understand better I just read the subtitles below the movies to know what did they said and understand the meaning. 

        Now, lets continue with my ambition. Guess what I want to be in future? a teacher? Yes, but wrong. Haha. As you know since I was a kid I had many ambitions, I wish to be a singer, policewoman, lawyer, doctor and so on. But when I'm getting older those all of my ambitions were changed. Totally EVERYTHING! may be it happens due to my age. And now, I'm truly interested in businesses. Why? hmm, it happens may be due to my experienced before I enter the university. Before this I worked at restaurant. I learnt many things at my workplace. That's the reason why I'm interested in business. That's it! :')

      Well, that's all from now. I will post another section later. Just wait. .  Bye!