Friday 13 December 2013

My Family

Assalamualaikum and Hi guys! :')

Everyone have their own family and I am sure all of you are happy have a family, right? Hehe. ^_^ Now, I would like to share to all of you about my family. Where should I start first about my family? Alright, as you know I have a big family. I have parents, and 8 siblings. Quite a lot, isn’t it? I am grateful to have many family members and I love them very much. They always support me from behind and give a lot of affections to me. They’re so special to me. I will do anything to make them happy. They mean everything to me. :’)
Now, let’s start with my parent first. They are most importantly in my life. Without them I am nothing. Firstly, I will introduce my father to all of you. My father’s name is Masri bin Jaafar. He quite loves person even though he is a little bit strict.  He’s 52 years old. He works at TNB Sdn. Bhd. He is hardworking and committed with his work. And that make me respect a lot to him. Yet, He likes do something challenging and never give up in life. That makes me proud of him. The second is about my mother. My mother’s name is Nik Hasnah Bt Yussof. She is 50 years old. She works as housewife. She loves, caring, quite patience, and the most significantly is she is my lovely mother. Hee~

That's all I could share to all of you. Bubye! <Thanks for reading>

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